Montana 2021
I have been home for a few weeks from my yearly pilgrimage to Montana. I am just now getting around to updating the blog mainly due to a ton of things that needed to be done as soon as I got home, better late than never they say. This years trip we decided to stay a little closer to home and fish some of our favorite more local waters, I wanted to stay relatively accessable by phone and what Joe and I have discovered is that it is better to spend time fishing as opposed to looking for places to fish. The weather was absolutely flawless and we had some really good days fishing. Gear used on this trip was very budget friendly, a TFO finesse 8' 9" 3 weight, Lamson liquid reel spooled with Cortland 444 peach double taper. I used flies tied by myself on Green Caddis barbless hooks in no particular pattern, only recognizable pattern that I used this year was a yellow sally. I will let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

I apologize for this update taking so long, I was having some software problems that I just got worked out. Hope you enjoy this short but picture heavy post. I will end with the one that got away.
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